Friday, August 7, 2009

Blog #1

Romney's campaign video uses a variety of elements in order to persuade the viewer that he is the ideal choice for the nation's leader.This video is designed so that it may use every chance it has to get the people on Romney's side.This persuasion comes in the form of using generosity, patriotism, and fear. Generosity comes in to play when Romney states that he wishes to help the american people.He mentions that the american people are being taxed too much and Romney plans to put the excessive taxing to a hault.Showing that romney is willing to lend a helping hand makes it easier for him to gain more supporters.Romney expresses his belief in that the United States is a nation of the people and by the people.Furthermore, Romney claims that free american people are the source of the nation's great strength.This bit is purposely placed at the end of the campaign video in order to further emphasize his patriotism and to really get behind the american people and show that they are first, and they are what makes America great.This sense of patriotism enhances his patriotic image that he conveys, almost like if he's Captain America.In his campaign he mentions the negative conflicts that the U.S faces and brings a sense of fear.Bringing up the oil crisis, and competition from Asia,but the most personal however was that too many kids are failing in schools.This brings it to a more personal level for the voters and is a more relatable fear.Romney uses this to his advantage as he uses this fear to shine a ray of light and hope so that he may extinguish the fear.
In order for the american people to get behind Romney he must be viewed as a credible speaker.Positive figures are often viewed as credible figures.This political ad utilizes different aspects to build up Romney's ethos.Right off the bat Ann Romney makes a positive statement about Romney,stating his ability to solve problems.The music throughout the video is used as an inspirational device adding to the positive image Romney tries to convey.The fade to black transitions are used to add text wich state positive statements about Romney.Camera shots of the audience during Romney's speech are often shown wich is utilized to demonstrate that the american people approve of Romney as they are frequently shown applauding and with smiling faces creating a hopeful atmosphere.All of these cohesive elements adds up to Romney's ethos.
Symbols are used throughout the advertisement and can be interpreted in a variety of ways.There is one symbol in particular however that serves a greater purpose and is the most essential and symbolic,because it is also the symbol of the american people,and that is the flag of the United States of America.All throughout the ad the american flag is shown hanging behind Mitt Romney like it once has for every american president that ever lived.It conveys the idea that Romney is all-american and an everyman.It shows his patriotism and implies that he cares for the nation of America.This symbol persuades the american people that Romney is there to help the nation and is about the "american way".

1 comment:

  1. on time!
    great job with your analysis! I don't really have many complaints about it, other than to ask you to please go through and revise for Gross Errors!

    Keep up the great work! :)
    ms e
